Bio Luís Felipe Keresztes Bigatto is a software engineer and computer enthusiast with a not-so-secret passion for communication. Speaker of an ever-growing list of languages, his devotion to the science behind the very phenomenon of communication in all of its known forms has led him to write the paper "The Relationship Between Computer Languages and Human Communication",researching the linkages between languages and computer software.Although his day job is developing commercial software, apps, websites and databases, he has a soft spot for art initiatives, finding them enriching and fulfilling to the human mind. He also believes privacy to be a human right, and thus fights to spread awareness about back doors that are so deep rooted in modern computers that even most processors can no longer be trusted, and thus advocates for end-user freedom, advocating computer alternatives, for every end-user is human, not an inanimate object. Statement Combining their different skill sets, Amna Hashmi, a visual artist, specializing in miniature painting, and Luís Felipe Keresztes Bigatto, a software engineer, wish to explore the possibilities of multiple ‘endings’ that one could reach through the choices one makes and the narratives that form from each choice’s journey.All events in life are interconnected with each other, yet, depending on the choices one makes, the results can be entirely different. The manner in which events, originating from a singular situation, occur, are not always so linear –depending on our choices and actions –while things that are intended may happen as they were planned, the journey to it could takean entirely different route depending upon the decisions we take midst it. Alternately, due toone’s choices, one could possibly arrive at an ending which differs entirely from the original intended one –an alternate/parallel reality, perhaps one can call it; in the same space, an absolutely different result depending upon one’s decisions.This work seeks to explore these possibilities and the multiple routes that present TO THE COFFEE CAVE _ 2019
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